What is the 10 Km route?
Start on the Promenade; go right and left onto Millpark Road; continue to Arnolds Cross; turn right onto Weafer Street junction; turn left (Hope Centre on the left) onto Ross Road; continue on this road through Carley’s Bridge to main road turn left; go to Red Pats Cross turn right; go 100 metres and keep left for Tomnalossett and continue to Plummers Cross and turn left up hill, go to end of road and turn left; continue onto main road at Johns Mill turn right; follow footpath to Abbey Square; turn right at Bank of Ireland and turn right again at bridge onto finish line.
What is the 10 Mile route?
Start on the Promenade; go right and left onto Millpark Road; continue to Arnolds Cross; turn right onto Weafer Street junction; turn left (Hope Centre on the left) onto Ross Road; continue on this road through Carley’s Bridge to main road and turn left; go to Red Pats cross turn right; go 100 meters turn right again; pass the Golf Club and the Butchers Lane; at end of road turn left and continue to Garr Cross; turn left and go first turn to the right (at Springs) onto Bree Road; turn right; go 200 metres to u turn and go back to Boradale; turn left up to Plummers Cross; turn right uphill joining 10 Km route at end of road; turn left and continue onto main road; at Johns Mill turn right; follow footpath to Abbey Square; turn right at Bank of Ireland, turn right again at bridge onto the finish line.